WABO Sp. z o.o., a company which works with freezing of fruit and vegetables started its activity in 2010. Currently, we employ over 100 employees, and the company’s facilities are among the most modern in Poland.
The production plants are located in fruit and vegetable basins in the Białobrzeg and Krasnicki districts. The plant in Kraśnik was established in 2016 within the scope of fruit and vegetable processing.
The production plants are located in fruit and vegetable basins in the Białobrzeg and Krasnicki districts. The plant in Kraśnik was established in 2016 within the scope of fruit and vegetable processing.
Many years of cooperation with suppliers allows us to
select the best raw materials to be able to
create the highest quality products while maintaining
all nutritional values and taste.
Many years of cooperation with suppliers allows us to select the best raw materials to be able to create the highest quality products while maintaining all nutritional values and taste.
plant size in Pnie
plant size in Kraśnik
Team of employees puts in a great deal of work and commitment to achieve the highest quality products that enjoy great satisfaction among customers.
In summer, we process mainly strawberries, cherries, raspberries, currants, rhubarb, apples, blueberries. In the remaining period, the work of the plant includes sorting, packaging, preparation of goods for shipment.
Every day, WABO strives for greater development aimed at acquiring new outlets for manufactured products that meet the highest standards of quality and safety.
„Europejski Fundusz Rolny na rzecz Rozwoju Obszarów Wiejskich: Europa inwestująca w obszary wiejskie”. Operacja mająca na celu: Budowę przechowalni owoców i warzyw oraz zakup maszyn, urządzeń i wyposażenia do zakładu przetwórstwa owoców i warzyw w celu poprawy jego konkurencyjności, współfinansowana jest ze środków Unii Europejskiej w ramach działania “Wsparcie inwestycji w przetwarzanie produktów rolnych, obrót nimi lub ich rozwój”. Programu Rozwoju Obszarów Wiejskich na lata 2014-2020. Przewidywany wynik operacji” poprawa konkurencyjności poprzez wzrost wartości dodanej podstawowej produkcji rolnej”
Pnie 76, 26-803 Promna
E: wabo@wabo.pl
T: + 48 48 615 33 17
26-803 Promna
Pnie 76
E: wabo@wabo.pl
T: + 48 48 615 33 17
ul. Długa 11b, 23-200 Kraśnik
E: wabo.krasnik@wabo.pl
T: + 48 502 506 169
23-200 Kraśnik
ul. Długa 11b
E: wabo.krasnik@wabo.pl
T: + 48 502 506 169
2022 All rights reserved
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ul. Opaczewska 69/18, 02-201 Warsaw
E: wabo@wabo.pl
T: + 48 22 668 87 42
02-201 Warsaw
ul. Opaczewska 69/18
E: wabo@wabo.pl
T: + 48 22 668 87 42
2022 All rights reserved
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